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Storing an Ebike over Winter

Protect your Ebike & Battery over the cold winter months 

Here are a few tips on making sure your Ebikes will be ready after a long winter storage.

If you are not riding your Ebike over the cold winter months, proper storage will help keep it lasting longer and running smother.  Winter weather can expose your Ebikes to extreme conditions. Prolonged exposure to cold, rain, snow and ice can damage your Ebikes’ electrical components. There are, however, steps you need to take to make sure your bike is ready to ride at its best in the spring.

If you are going to store your bike for a month or more, we recommend you do the following:

  • Clean your Ebikes before storing them. Dirt, grime, and road salt can cause corrosion when sitting on your e-bike and its components. Check the manufacturers’ guidelines on how to clean your Ebikes or bring your ride to Wheelies for our Ebikes Winter Storage Cleaning and Tune-up.
  • Make sure your storage location is safe and secure.
  • Electronic components on Ebikes are sensitive to extreme temperatures. Store your Ebikes in a cool, dry location with low humidity to avoid rust and corrosion.
  • Keep the storage space temperature between 32ºF and 68ºF (0°C - 20°C).
  • To reduce moisture, consider a bike cover.
  • Remove the battery before storing.

Storing your Ebikes Battery.

The best practice is to remove the battery from the bike to store in a location that offers room temperature control. Storing the battery inside your house is the best option. Even a garage or shed can experience extreme temperatures which can affect the lifespan of your lithium-ion batteries. Ebike batteries are the most sensitive element of an Ebike, and they require additional care during periods of disuse.

  • Whenever possible, remove the battery from your Ebike to store it.
  • Store in a dry location with low humidity levels.
  • Keep the storage space at room temperature between 55ºF and 75ºF (12°C - 24°C) when possible.
  • Do not fully charge or totally drain the Lithium-ion battery when placing it in storage. 
  • Do not keep the charger plugged into the battery for a prolonged period of time. Once the charger goes green unplug the charger from the battery and outlet.
  • The battery should be stored with a 50% to 80% charge. Overcharging puts significant stress on the battery cells leading to faster degradation and a shortened lifespan.
  • Check the battery monthly to make sure the battery maintains the proper level of charge.

Taking these steps will help you prolong the life of your battery, maximize performance, and increase its longevity.

After Winter Storage

Before you get back on your Ebike after storing it for an extended period, you should prepare your Ebike for the upcoming riding season. The brakes, chain, gear shifting, and tires must be checked before riding. Also ensure you have the proper tire pressure and that the tires are in good condition with no wear, cracking or dry rot. To best protect your bike, take any Ebike to Wheelies for our Ebike Tune-up and diagnostics. A bike serviced prior to riding will work properly while reducing the chance of any malfunction.

The first test ride.

Pop on your helmet. When going on your first test ride it’s best to start off slowly. Take it for a short ride and check the performance of the brakes, gears, pedal assistance, throttle, steering, and all other functions your bike has to offer. If you notice any mistakes, address and fix the problem.

If you follow these few tips you can expect to have your Ebike at peak performance for a very enjoyable spring riding season.

Enjoy the ride.